Amprenta mea pe aceasta lume(virtuala)
duminică, 5 decembrie 2010
sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010
The crow,december first
The shattered wind,
Blows cold in the harsh winter of december.
The sky is being conquered by heavy clouds
Everywhere is dark,but the moon still shines bright.
Leting me see a shadow long as an blink of an eye.
Not knowing if is a man or a beast,
Blaming my own imagination.
Not for long,as the aer got suddenly colder and the wind banished.
By the end of a moment,a noise camefrom behind.
Frighten,I turned back,
Nothing more than trees and bushes.
A silence so deep,allmost hipnotic,
at the limit of insanity I felt.
The silence was overwelming,deafening.
A howling of a wolf had awakening me from the silences trance.
A crow,crying, on a branch.
Staring at me,looking into my soul he was.
As the moon was full,
Terrified,I start running
And kept running
Runned and runned and running I was,
Spirits of the night,sensed my presence,
As I was a intruder to those sacred woods...cursed,I say!
Heavy snow falled from a tree,
falling on me,trapped under ice
Atempting to escape..
I saw blood on the grownd!
Searching for wounds,as I thought the blood was mine,
..but beneath me,
A hiding body,a corpse,a dead man,a murder I THOUGHT!
but where is the murderer?a frighteningly question
Fate gave me irony instead of a answer.
The irony rised more questions:
The body was frozen,
The blood was still warm!
Questions and questions that must have unfold.
I stapped on my feet and stapped even more
And tried to get out of the woods as before.
The crying crow paid me a visit
Wondering around,
flying not
was he imprisoned?
Looking at me,like a prophet he be,
Worned I felt when he "cra" right at me.
Once after that he got ost with the dark.
Lost and confused as the crow in the dark,
Blind I felt by the shine of the moon within the night.
So disturbing was the silence before,
And the brightness of moon so pleasent and more,
and more...
Near was a lake,is a angel I see?!
I stepped even furter,a voice I recall:
Feminin,calm,gentle,devine may I say.
Could be the angel?trapped in the lake?
As I took my next step a noise I hear,
Disturbing an hidious noise I did hear,
Ugly,persisten made from a beast
The crow was my beast
Allmost yelling at me.
Turning my sight to the demon at shore
Angry I was at the demon at shore
Interupted drom saving my angel in cause
My angel went gone,as never existed
It never was one.
The reflexion of moon,a spell put on me
Blinded by beauty and aweaken by the beast.
They want me dead,the moon,the landscape,dust or gods..
Turned my head back,to my demon,the crow from the woods,the prophet.
Silence striked back,
and my ears start bleeding.
The prophet starts crying,
I told him to stop,
He wouldn't shut up!
Screamed as I could,
He didn't even move.
So grabed him I did
Stabed with a stick
burned him alive
hungry I was
eat him ofcourse...
Silence...sweet silence...
joi, 9 septembrie 2010
miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010
Dupa cum vedeti pe acest blog,eu nu am o idee fixa despre ce sa scriu....asa ca voi scrie tot cemi trece prin cap sau imi iese pe cur....sau viceversa.Sper doar sami pastrez originalitatea,adica sami folosesc propriile idei...cand ceva e postat si numi apartine veti stii.Cred ca imi voi pastra oroginalitatea prin simplul fapt ca nu respect regulile de gramatica :D,voi incerca totusi sa intelegeti ce scriu desi textul in sine va fi mai greu de descifrat.Voi continua sa scriu in engleza doar pentru ca suna mai mijto si imi place mai mult limba aia decat rromana.Acest blog nu este facut pentru a avea cititori ci pentru a avea un facut de plictiseala cum de altfel multe lucruri le fac din acelasi motiv.Poate ca multe din parerile mele nu sunt si adevarate,dar repet sunt parerile mele,unele pot fi skimbate sau imbunatatite iar altele exp nu o sa ma convingeti in veci sami schimb parerea despre manelisti,cocalari,pitipoance,manelosi,fashionari,infumurati si muuulti altii care ar cam fi sinonime cu restul....imi pare rau daca sunt un nesuferit si nu iubesc animalele....daca iubiti intradevar animalele nu le mai omorati decat pentru hrana si autoaparare.....da ,frumoasa regula dar la speciile de mai sus nu este valabil:)
marți, 7 septembrie 2010
luni, 6 septembrie 2010
Inner struggle
Can somebody please!
Heal my sick mind,heal my black heart,
My lost forgotten sad spirit.
I am nothing but a piece of a missing puzzle
Cleanse my soul with what I'm not
Break myself from whole existence
Let me be and ask forgiveness
Let my prayers reach out your ears
I'll write my love with fallen tears
Let there be no self esteem
I will drop on to my knees
My heart isn't mine to give
You are my all,my everything
All I want you to have
Is knowing I regret,I want you back
Let myself fall to abyss
Having that last goodbye kiss
Long as blood runs through my veins
Know my heart will never change
Wipe me out from whole existence
Drowning within my own sickness
/You're my time trapped in a cage
blocking me to grow in age
As my tears fall to the ground
I ask of you a second chance
With my knees and tears in dust/mud
I'm bagging you to say yes
And the sweat gets in my eyes
Waiting for the final answer/
Can somebody please!
Heal my sick mind,heal my black heart,
My lost forgotten sad spirit.
I am nothing but a piece of a missing puzzle
Cleanse my soul with what I'm not
Break myself from whole existence
Let me be and ask forgiveness
Let my prayers reach out your ears
I'll write my love with fallen tears
Let there be no self esteem
I will drop on to my knees
My heart isn't mine to give
You are my all,my everything
All I want you to have
Is knowing I regret,I want you back
Let myself fall to abyss
Having that last goodbye kiss
Long as blood runs through my veins
Know my heart will never change
Wipe me out from whole existence
Drowning within my own sickness
/You're my time trapped in a cage
blocking me to grow in age
As my tears fall to the ground
I ask of you a second chance
With my knees and tears in dust/mud
I'm bagging you to say yes
And the sweat gets in my eyes
Waiting for the final answer/
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